Greenworks Lawn Dethatcher

greenworks corded dethatcherThis is our review on the Greenworks Lawn Dethatcher 27022 and why it is useful for your lawn. And because this lawn tool has been around quite awhile, we thought we would check out it’s popular longevity. We will also take a look at the features and the practical value of owning one.

At the time of writing this, it is an Amazons Choice Product with nearly three thousand reviews. This Lawn Dethatcher already has a feedback score of 4.6 out of 5 stars. This is excellent considering so many customers have bought it.

If you have already checked the Greenworks Lawn Dethatcher out for yourself, and would just like to buy it.

Click here to see the Greenworks 14-Inch 10 Amp Corded Dethatcher 27022 from

What is the Benefit of having a Lawn Dethatcher:

Thatch on you lawn becomes a problem if you let it build up.  If and when that starts to happen, your lawn could end up becoming a haven for lawn diseases and other issues. Some of the reasons for a build up of thatch on your lawn, is the lack of aeration.  As well as chemical products being used on the lawn, along with over watering.

There is a really good way that you can deal with thatch, and at the same time create a beautiful, healthy lawn. This can be achieved  by using a lawn dethatcher. The Greenworks Lawn Dethatcher would be a wonderful choice, as well as being good for the environment.

What makes it good for the environment is that it has a zero carbon footprint. This is more environmentally friendly when compared to gas powered tools. It is also very easy to  get started using this lawn tool. All that you need to do is push a button at the side and hold down the handle. This is very similar to starting  a gas powered product.

A 14-Inch Dethatching Path:

The Greenworks aerator has been fitted with a wide deck, and will dethatch your lawn across 14 inches. This lawn tool also works like a lawn mower would. You just push it forward like a lawn mower across the lawn. And it will dethatch the grass as you go along.

The thatch will then be culled from your lawn and left behind you as you walk along. One of the best features of this lawn dethatcher,  is that it is self-propelled. So you will not need to struggle to push it over the grass.

This makes the job a lot more pleasant, because it will not create the same strain on your lower back. Some lawns are a lot thicker than others, therefore giving you more thatch to deal with. You can also change the settings to suit the type of lawn you have.

The Greenworks Lawn Dethatcher is Adjustable:

This lawn tool has been made so that you can adjust it. You will find that the adjustment can be located on the front wheel. All you need to do is turn the knob on the wheel. You can then choose which setting you want to comply with your lawns needs.
There is a cable length of up to 150 feet, and seeing that there is no charging involved. All you need to do is plug it in and it is ready for you to use.

The feature that does all the work is located underneath the dethatcher. These aerators are known as tines, are are made from tough stainless steel, and there are 18 of them. Therefore as you adjust the wheel, it alters the depth of these tines as to how far they go in the ground.

So as you go round your garden, the tines push into the ground. This will then break up the thatch bringing it to the surface. This action will then allow your lawn to receive the air circulation that it needs to thrive on. Like any other product, maintenance is needed over time.  Because these tines can and will sustain damage and break off. This is quite normal, but you are given replacement tines when you buy this product.

After you have finished using the Greenworks Aerator,  make sure you brush the underside were the tines are to clean the debris of the machine.  The dethatcher is also fitted with a sturdy 10 amp motor. There are also fold-able handles, this makes it easier to store if you do not have a large space.

Greenworks Aerator Demonstration:


The Greenworks Lawn Dethatcher seems an excellent piece of equipment, has stood the test of time and has good reviews.

You also get peace of mind, as you are given a 4- Year Tool Warranty Which Protects Your Investment.

Summer is on the way, so now is the time to start getting your garden into the beautiful place you would like it to be.

Click here to see the Greenworks 14-Inch 10 Amp Corded Dethatcher 27022 from